25 Years of excellence in education and child care.

How Can A “Real” Montessori Program Be Identified?

Since Montessori is a word in the public domain, it is possible for any individual or institution to claim to be Montessori. But, an authentic Montessori classroom must have these basic characteristics at all levels:

  • Teachers educated in the Montessori philosophy and methodology for the age level they are teaching, who have the ability and dedication to put the key concepts into practice.
  • A partnership established with the family. The family is considered an integral part of the individual’s total development.
  • A multi-aged, multi-graded heterogeneous grouping of students.
  • A diverse set of Montessori materials, activities and experiences which are designed to foster physical, intellectual, creative and social independence.
  • A schedule which allows large blocks of time to problem solve, to see connections in knowledge and to create new ideas.
  • A classroom atmosphere which encourages social interaction for cooperative learning, peer teaching and emotional development.


Why wait another day?

Discover how we help children develop skills and attributes that are important for future happiness and success.

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    Book a Tour

    Visit the school | Meet the team | Let us get to know you and your child

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    Enroll your child

    Partner with educators | Be involved | See your child grow

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    Life-long learning

    Skills for today and tomorrow | Happiness and success for life